I have created a transformer model using Framework Manager package. We needed a distinct count of CustomerIDs(which is in fact table), so I had to add CustomerID as a dimension and created a category count of the CustomerID level.
Now, this has slowed down the model and it now takes 8 mins to open the model itself. The cube build time increased by 30 mins. Any suggestions or alternatives to get the distinct count? Please guide.
You could write a report in Report Studio to retrieve the distinct count and add this report in as another data source. Just a thought.
Thanks for the response!
But creating a report in report studio would make the count static, correct?
I want the count to be viewed for the sevaral dimensions and levels existing in the cube.
i had the same problem with a cube, and i solved it with externall rollup.
IsnĀ“t a good solution, but working properly.
I created a IQD with the data of "category to count" at distinct levels that i wanted to connect with dimensions. You will be careful with the duplicates count in dimensiosn of the category, therefore i created a IQD for each level.