is it possible to modify prompt selection by user ?
suppose user select customer names from select & search prompt--
1- jeff josh
2- jeff thomas
3- jeff lowrie, and so on
now user want to delete all last name and search just for get all the names starting with JEFF
we never heard this kind of report.....but just would like to make can be possible or not ??
Hi Pooja,
If the user is within a Select & Search prompt, they could simply remove all the selected items "jeff tosh","jeff thomas","jeff lowrie" etc from the 'Selected Items' list on the right, then do a new search just for 'Jeff'. Is this what you mean?
yah thats what we explain to our management..its just not a removing selected item...but thats not the way they want..
they are asking if user can change/modify within prompt--like i mention earlier....user can able to modify prompt ????
this is kinda amazing mesh i guess......but kust looking for some wayout...?????
Sorry - I'm being a bit slow today. Can you explain that to me in simple terms? :) I can't quite understand what your management are asking for...
sorry for my english-----
let me explain more in details
when clicking on a drop down box icon for a prompt, will display a new window with the list items to choose from.
When the data is selected, it will populate the Main Prompt Box.
The user will be able to modify the selection on the Main Prompt Box.
Once a prompt value is selected from a drop down box, the user will be able to modify the value that is used in the filter.
Example – User selects Customer_Name "MURPHY, JAMES" from dropdown list, THEN User can change selection to "MURPHY, J" before executing report
we wonder if this possible
I guess you could experiment with having a Value Prompt on the first prompt page and a Text Box Prompt on a separate following prompt page, with both prompts based on the same parameter. My thinking is that the Text Box prompt would give the user the opportunity to modify the value selected within the Value prompt. I've never tried this though, so not sure how viable it is.
Good luck!
Do you mean ..cascasding prompt
tried with value and text prompt, but the rersult is same......we can REMOVe but not MODIFIED
To All,
please share your experience, if any
thak you so much for your effort, kindly appreciate
Quote from: pooja on 05 May 2010 11:41:03 AM
Do you mean ..cascasding prompt
Not quite - both prompts will be setting the same parameter - a value prompt on your first prompt page, and a text box prompt on a second prompt page. If it works, I guess the biggest hurdle will be pre-populating the text box prompt on the second prompt page with the value selected within the prompt on the first page. Does that make any sense?
yah thats what we did---
1st prompt page = value promt
2nd prompt page = text prompt (same param for both prompt)
but still, issue is usercan remove selected item...but not modify..likei i meantion on last post...
amazing ..mesh .....anyway...