Hi All,
I am a transformer beginner.I have used a package from framework manager as a datasource for the cube.I built a cube and published it to a windows location.That was what it was defaulting to.Then I opened the mdc file from framework manager.
Is there a way I can see all the dimensions and measures in FM.I am not able view it as query subjects.I only see one object under the model label.When i publish the package and view in analysis studio i see all dimensions and measures.
Am i missing out n any step?I want to view all the measures and dimensions in fm model..please help.!
Also, can I add calculated measures to the cube via FM model or do i need to do it in transformer only.
PowerCubes can only be modelled by Transformer, not by Framework Manager. The only capabilities Framework Manager provides for OLAP cubes are to add them to packages - the structure and content of the cubes is neither visible nor maintainable from within Framework Manager.
Thanks MFGF.If i cannot view the structure of cube in FM.I would not have much
benefit to add it to a package there.I am using cognos version 8.3.Is it possible to publish the
cube from transformer directly to the cognos portal?
Also in Analysis studio in file menu open with report studio option is disabled.Is it a privilege issue?
Quote from: actcognosuser on 04 May 2010 11:59:23 AMI am using cognos version 8.3.Is it possible to publish the
cube from transformer directly to the cognos portal?
I can't remember whether this change was made in the 8.3 or 8.4 release, but it is definitely availalable in 8.4.
You should also be able to use the IBM Cognos 8 Administration console to add a data source pointing to a cube and publish it as a package all in one go.
Quote from: actcognosuser on 04 May 2010 11:59:23 AMAlso in Analysis studio in file menu open with report studio option is disabled.Is it a privilege issue?
Privileges would be my first guess - yes.
What you did in FM was probably create a package to publish the cube which is why it is showing only one thing inside the namespace.
Yes, in 8.3 , you can publish a cube from Transformer. Right-click on the cube inside Transformer and it will give you an option to create a Datasource and publish a package.