we have a report with cascading prompt.when we click <department> then
it gives a all the employees name under that particular department.
NOW ....is it possible to create a prompt page with select criteria with alphabetically.
like A B C D .....X, Y, Z.if we click "A" it should display all names starting with "A"...
If we select "B" then all names starting with "B"...and so on.........
if any one knows , pleas share some wayout.
thank you in advacne
Not sure what you mean...
You already have it cascading by department..do you mean you want to see names sorted alphabetically when the department is clicked? You can just sort the Employee prompt alphabetically.
or do you mean you want another prompt with letters A, B,C,D...Z and then use this prompt to select
the Employee names starting with those letters? If so, you can create a calculated column with substring function to take only the first letter of the name, use this column to create a prompt and then cascade the Name prompt from this. Since the derived column would be sourced from the name itself so it would work.
thank you so much....
actually we would like to create prompt page where we can possibly search by alphabetical order.
like if we click on A..then should display all the names starting with and so on....
please share any solution
create a value prompt(category) with with static values (A,B,C..Z).
Make this prompt as the cascade source for your Department or Employee prompt (based on your requirement)
Add a filter expression in your Department or Employee query like
[Department Name] like ?category? + '%'
Hi Pooja,
This question was answered on this very forum just a couple of days ago.