Hi all,
I have a cube, I want to update it incrementally.
My problem is when I am updating with 2 weeks of data its working fine, but when I am updating it with months of data its taking too much of time like 10hrs to 14hrs or some times its hanging out. I am using some batch file to run that cube automatically.
Could you please anyone give the solution for this.
Thanks in advance
Please post the batch file, or at least the cogtr line. How much data are we talking about? thousands or rows? 10s of millions? How long does it take to completely build the cube as opposed to an update?
Hi dbbits,
C:cogtr.exe -n2 -i "E:\xyz\models\vcb.pyj"
Could you please tell me now what is the problem.
Thanks in advance
Build the cube from within Transformer to see how much time it takes. Open the log file to see how many records are being read and post it here. I have had cubes reading 60 million records (10 million more than Cognos suggests as the higher limit) getting built in 3.5 hrs.