Is it possible to assign an alternate sort sequence to a columns in the model.
For example, I am showing sales by region and want to sort the output by
a predefined sequence instead of alphabetical order.Ã, And, I want this
sort sequence to be automatically applied when the user chooses theÃ,Â
Region column in the Query studio.
Thanks in advance
Add a new query item that has a CASE statement to figure out your new sort order.
CASE [Field]
WHEN 'Abc'
THEN 'Group 1'
When 'Def'
THEN 'Group 2'
'Catch All Group'
Let me rephrase my question so that I am being clearer.
In the framework manager, while defining a query subject
can I assign a different sort field for the query items. I want
a query like this to be generated
select region_name
from region_dim
order by region_sort_sequence
Sort order is dictated by the report using the model not the model the report uses.
Did you ever resolve this issue? I am suffering from similar in that the use of a sequence order element to sort by has been rejected by our business community. They want the sort to be implicit when the item is selected in a query studio report.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.