I have a macro which creates news boxes and news items on the Upfront server. It then goes on to apply security to these newly created items. The proglem is that the security does not hold for all users. All the information about NewsBoxes and NewsItems and UserClasses is in an array.
When, looping through the array, say x =1, it sets the security for the first NewsBox with for its corresponding UserClass. I log in to Upfront server using the user id from that UserClass. I can see the newly added NewsBox and NewsItem.
Now, when x = 2, it sets the security for the second NewsBox with the corresponding UserClass. I still log in using the first user's id. Now, I cannot see the NewsBox that I saw previously. The second user now can see his/her newly added NewsBox.
This goes on till the end, until only the last NewsBox is secure. All the security settings for previous NewsBoxes is gone.
I am unable to understand what is wrong with the code.
Any help is appreciated.
Thank you
Did you very get your code working? I have a similar need, can you help me?
Security on an Upfront item must be set for all user classes or users at once. What probably is happening is thet you set it one object at a time, therefore the last one set always wins.