In the main Report page i have 2 radio buttons and 2 cross tabs.
1st radio button has (Day,week,month)
And 2nd Radio button i have ( Emp & Dept)
And 1st cross tab is having Emp related data
And 2nd cross tab is having Dept related data.
My question is, Based on 1st radio button selection and 2nd radio button selection,desired cross tab has to appear (For eg: If i click day and emp. Emp cross tab has to come or day and dept, dept cross tab has to appear.
If u know any ans pls reply
gimme some more clarification in brief
Based on 1st and 2nd radio button prompt selection..
I need a cross tab which has day/week/month in rows and emp or dept in cols
as I see it, your two main options are:
a) Create one large crosstab with Day, Week and Month stacked below each other in the rows area and Emp and Dept stacked next to each other in the columns area, then conditionally hide the parts you do not wish to be visible, or
b) Create 6 crosstabs to cover each combination of Day/Week/Month and Emp/Dept, and conditionally render the appropriate one using a conditional block.
Hi MF,
As per ur guidelines i am getting desired results for 1 radio button. With 2nd radio button, No change in the crosstab
How have you coded your expression to drive the conditional rendering?
Hi MF,
I have used a string variable and have mentioned paramdisplayvalue('Selection criteria')
And based on this, I have created static variables...
Sorry - that doesn't really tell me what you have done.
Your expression will need to take account of the values set by the parameters from both radio button prompts, and set the outcome appropriately. You can then use this outcome to drive the conditional block (or conditional hiding).