I built a model in FM, tested all the my query subjects and got satisfying results with correct values.
When i retested my results in Query Studio, some of the values in data items such as actual_value, target_value & score_value were displayed incorrectly. for example, values of the target_value data item that was entered (i used metric studio to enter the values) as '100' were displayed as '5'. it seems that in the transit phase, the scale of the values has changed. same with actual_value and score_vlaue.
Any suggetions?
When you tested in Framework Manager, did you check the 'Auto Sum' option to emulate the automatic grouping and aggregation of the studios?
It is also worth checking what data formats have been defined for the measure items. These will be ignored when testing in FM, but will apply within the studios.
Thank you for your quick answer. is there a way to check the the format of the data item in the FM or i have to do that in my data source (sql server)?
thank you
Select the relevant query item in Framework Manager, then in the Properties window at the bottom, scroll down until you see the Format property. You can then view and/or change the format of the item. Look in particular at how the Scale has been defined.
Hint - if this applies to many items, use <ctrl> and click to select them all, set the appropriate format properties for the first one in the list, then use the downward-pointing arrow to apply this to all the other items in the selected list.
Thank you, the INFO was helpfull :)