Hi, I created a multi-select cascading prompt, Country > City in my report page, properties are as below -
Country - required=no; multi-select; listbox; autosubmit=no
City - required=no; multi-select; listbox; autosubmit=no; cascade source=Country; pre-populate=no
When I initially open the report, the Country list is displayed while the City list is empty. I would like to keep it that way. So when I select Country and run the report, the city list should still be empty. The City list should have values displayed only when user clicks on the re-prompt button. By default, whenever a country is selected and user runs the report, the City list is populated. I have added the "pre-populate=no" option but that doesn't work.
Is there a way to display the City list only when users clicked on the "Re-prompt" button ?
My idea is like...
1) Create prompt - country and in properties keep everything same as you mentioned in ur question. Required-no,Multi-select-yes,list, auto submit- no,pre-populate - no
2) create a prompt button and change type - Reprompt (properties pane)
3) create second prompt for city and while creating make sure that u select make filter optional checked. then other choice same
Required - no
multi select - yes
list box,
auto submit - no
cascading source - country parameter
pre-populate - no.
-->Now report runs and user can see only country list and he can select any country and click finish. the report runs only for that selected country
-->If user selects a country and click re-prompt button then the city will be cascaded and runs the report.
If i did not understand your question let me know.