Hi, using Cognos 8.4 Report Studio I have a list within a report which varies between 5 and about 20 rows as well as a load of other bits and bobs.
If this list is >6 rows the whole report fits one page in pdf but >6 it goes to 2 pages. I have saved space in all the bits I can but however small i make the font size I cannot squash the list up so that the lines are close to each other.
I have tried setting the line height in List Columns Body Style > Spacing and Breaking but this has no effect in pdf (as far as i can tell).
I really need to know if this is possible as our client is insisting on a single page for this and we are struggling to find a way of getting it to work.
click on the list go to properties pdf page setup is there u can mention the width and height it will show the all columns in one page
or take a block inside that place a list and click on the block size and overflow give according to ur requirement.......