I have fact build that combine data from several data sources into one data stream and then into one fact table. How do I script it so that I can disable a data source if there's an issue so the fact build can continue to build with other data sources. Basic log also does not contain any info about data source.
Ps. if I have a job that calls other jobs that in turn call fact builds - how do I get them all to log into one log file?
Hmmm - that's a tricky one.
I have not tried this, but I'm guessing it may be possible to use variables in your data source definitions in place of real names/connection strings etc, then set the variable values programmatically within your jobstream.
As for your second point - you can't. Each build/jobstream creates a separate log file. Depending what you want to record, you may have more success with writing entries to the Audit tables in the catalog instead.
Many thanks for your reply MF.