I have created several jobs and want to schedule them. I found out that I publish them to IBM Cognos Connection as DataMovementTasks folder. However, I am unable to execute them as the status remain in pending status under current activities. Any clue?
Also, what's the best way to report on job execution and alert them via email? the main job log file doesn't contain all the details - so how do we incorporate all of them into one file?
This might be a silly question, but do you have the Data Movement Service enabled on your Cognos 8 server?
You can set up an Event Studio agent to monitor the Audit tables (assuming you have enabled auditing on your Cognos 8 server) to detect Data Movement Task failures and send out emails. The details of the failure can also be detected and emailed from within the jobstream using condition nodes and email nodes.
I checked the documentation and didn't see where I can enable data movement service. Pls tell me where I can turn this on.
Solved - thanks.
Quote from: nsd on 18 Apr 2010 08:04:50 PMI checked the documentation and didn't see where I can enable data movement service. Pls tell me where I can turn this on.
Start -> Programs -> IBM Cognos 8 -> IBM Cognos Configuration
Select the 'IBM Cognos 8 Service' in the tree pane on the left, and make sure 'Data Movement Service Enabled?' is set to 'True'. Save the configuration and restart the Cognos 8 service.
Quote from: nsd on 19 Apr 2010 02:56:08 AMSolved - thanks.
Was the Data Movement Service the issue, or was it something else?
I realized that I was not running Data Manager in the same box as IBM Connection so I installed DM it in the same box. Then I was able to publish a DM job into Connection and then noticed that the job was not going into execution.
I did see those setting you mentioned about enabling data movement but I think they were all enabled by default. I did another re-start and then it all worked.
I have an issue with regards to auditing DM jobs run under IBM Connection. I get no entries when I set 'Data movement service' logging to "Basic".
select * from dbo.COGIPF_ACTION where cogipf_target_type='DATAMOVEMENTTASK'.
When I set logging 'Content Manager Service' to "Basic", I get several entries - query, add with status 'Success'. But this is not right as a failed job still says success. I assume the last logging level is just to record user actions.
Please let me know what I have to do get the audits to show correctly.
Thanks again.
de Silva