I've set up a radio button value prompt that will exclude frequencies less than every two weeks.
My Data Item expression - [Exclude Daily And Weekly]: If ([Frequency Units]='DAYS' AND [Frequency]<=13) Then (1) Else (2)
My Detail Filter for the selection prompt: [Exclude Daily And Weekly] > ?Exclude Daily and Weekly?
The selections are : Use 1/Display Yes and Use 0/Display No
However, when I select "Yes" the values of less tha 2 weeks are not filtered out.
Is there a kink in my logic statements?
No sure if I got that right...
Use 1 = Display
Use 0 = no display
...but your expression is playing with 1 and 2...
Variable A: The first expression assigns a data value of either 1 if the frequency is less than 2 weeks and 2 if the frequency is grater than to 2 weeks.
Variable B: The prompt assigns 1 for Yes if less than 2 weeks is to be excluded and 0 for No if it is not to be xcluded.
The Detail Filter the allows any values Where Variable A is greater than variable B.
One thing that makes me nervous is that you use the same name for both variables.
Anyway... whenever i had to deal with problems like that, i just added the filter values somewhere into my report header to see what the value is (my way of debugging).
Maybe that will help you.
Ids your detail filter defined as before or after aggregation?
MF, I changed the setting from before to after aggregation, but no change.
I may have to bite the bullet and render two different report pages based on the the exclusion being "Yes" or "No." More overhead, but it's usually a reliable approach.