Has anyone tried the "Showing Hover Chart in IBM Cognos 8.4 Report Studio Reports" approach from the following site: http://www-931.ibm.com/bin/newsletter/tool/landingPage.cgi?lpId=2638
I've tried it on 8.2.
When Hover over my field, its displaying the pop up screen, but instead of the chart i am getting an error message in the pop-up. The error message is: Cognos 8 An error has occurred. DPR-ERR-2079 Firewall Security Rejection. Your request was rejected by the security firewal. CAF rejection details are available in the log. Please contact your administrator.
I doubt it has anything to do with the CAF settings. I can run the pop up report successfully from Cognos connection.
Has anyone else encountered this problem? If not, is there another approach to achieve the pop up effect?
Nifty trick.
This won't work in 8.2 due to differences in the way Cognos handles parameterized URL.
The problem is in this section of code:
'<span onMouseOver=' + char(34) + 'showDiv(' + char(39) + '?b_action=cognosViewer&ui.action=run&ui.object=%2fcontent%2ffolder%5b%40name%3d%27HoverChart%27%5d%2freport%5b%40name%3d%27InventoryChart%27%5d&ui.name=InventoryChart&run.outputFormat=&run.prompt=true&p_Line=' + replace([Product line],' ','%20') + '&p_Month=' +?Month? + char(39) + ',event)' + char(34) + ' onMouseOut=' + char(34) + 'hideDiv()' + char(34) + '>'
Specifically b_action=cognosViewer&ui.action=run&ui.object=%2fcontent%2ffolder%5b%40name%3d%27HoverChart%27%5d%2freport%5b%40name%3d%27InventoryChart%27%5d&ui.name=InventoryChart&run.outputFormat=&run.prompt=true
You need to go through the admin and security guide for the section on parameterized URLs, make sure that the parameters are correct for 8.2. I'm pretty sure ui.action and ui.object have different names, for example.
Awesome. Thank you for the tips Paul.
I'll try to modify it for 8.2 and post back.
Thanks again.
That link in the first post is dead. Can you give me any clues as to how this worked or a new link to the article. Thanks!
The supportlink article archive can be found here: http://www-148.ibm.com/bin/newsletter/tool/parchive.cgi?nlId=11022 (http://www-148.ibm.com/bin/newsletter/tool/parchive.cgi?nlId=11022)
And the hover charts here: here (http://www.ibm.com/vrm/bin/tools/linkTrack.cgi?prospect_id=&email_type=148782_cosmetic&email_name=newsletter_11022_6866&pg=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.ibm.com%2Fvrm%2Fbin%2Fnewsletter%2Ftool%2FlandingPage.cgi%3FlpId%3D2638)