Hello !
I tried to burst a report to several recipients but ... it works very smoothly when I burst it to the users email's but when I set the burst options to type = "Directory entries", I get a "succeeded" status but I do not find any reports in the users "My Folder".
The data item I use to burst on is f.e.:
('CAMID("MA0111:u:authid=153691059")\folder[@name="My Folders"]')
May-be I got it all wrong, so I it's easier to inform of my intentions : to daily burst and save a report into the personal folder of the concerned users.
I hope you will be able to help me out with this, I searched a lot on Google ...
Thanks a lot !!!!!!!!!
When bursting a report, the saved outputs for all recipients are attached to the original report in its original location. Each output is secured based on the CAMID specified as the burst key. This means that when Johnny clicks on the report to view output, he is directed to the version that matches his CAMID, whereas when Sally clicks on the same report to view output, she sees her specific version.
Bursting will not deliver separate outputs to each person's My Folders area. To achieve this kind of functionality would require writing a custom app utilising the SDK.
Thanks a lot dear MF,
Just another question, if the saved report outputs are then saved to the original report location, what is then the purpose of adding an extention like " /folder[@name='Bursting'] " or even " report[@name='Burst02'] " ?
Thanks again for your kind reply,
It is an old post but still valid in 10.1. While you may specify the CAMID for the Cognos Connection folder - it will not supported. Please see the valid options below:
"Burst reports can be distributed by email or saved to a directory entry for viewing in Cognos Connection. Directory entries are Roles, Groups, Contacts or Distribution lists" - please note no folders mentioned.
The terminology used for bursting can be misleading. The term "Directory" refers to a authentication provider "directory service" directory (typically, the Cognos "directory"). It doesn't refer to computer hard-drive directories or "folders" within Cognos Connection.
A possible solution (workaround) - burst to the directory entries and create shortcut(s) in the My Folders pointing to the main report