Has anyone been able to resolve an issue with the Informix content store database.
In the event log, it reports the following error:
The Informix IDS - cm_ids_svr_custom service hung on starting.
Any help would be appreciated.
Mike R
Hmmm - not seen this error before. Take a look in cogserver.log - are there any relevant messages recorded in there?
Has Express been working previously and has now broken, or has it never worked?
Weird! This is happening to me too... it was working perfectly several days ago.
Are you by any chance using an evaluation copy of Express with a date-based timeout expiry? Probably way off the mark with this question, but worth asking anyway...
just add this to registry HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\cm_ids_svr_custom
DependOnService reg_multi_sz netman