Setting up a new test server. Full 3 tier web server install. All systems go except for logging into the application.
The gateway is pionted locally to the server/cognos 8 url. Open IE and it finds Cognos no problem. Using AD for authentication so a login is displayed, here is the problem. After entering a login and clicking OK, the application is trying to complete authenitcation and login but doesnt. It reloads to the login screen.
From setting up prior environments im fairly certain the problem is within the cookie settings under global configuration.
Cookie Settings
(current setting)
Hit Ok and also Save settings
With the right setting clicking ok and save settings should allow entry though the application without restarting.
Not sure how this should be set since im not giving a true URL for the webserver.
Any help is appreciated.
i found my own answer lol
Keep both fields blanked. Path should only have a "/ " in it.