I have some troubles in the following situation:
I have a macros which has to be launched by the user who doesn't have admin rights. I found how to do it (everyone can found information about it on IBM site) but there was another problem with it. The macros contains several Admin Links in Development and GTP after it.
And the macros is failed in the end of an execution - all Admin links are ended successfully but the macros is stopped in the step of GTP.
I found only one decision - give all rights to a person who launchs the macros to a package on Cognos Portal in which GTP writes the application. It works but it has strange feature. After execution only the person lauched the macros has rights to the package. And rights of other users are being deleted. It looks strange and it isn't the appropriate decision.
Could anyone help?
Wouldn't it help to simply put a 'Wait for any jobs' step between running a link and GTP macro step? Maybe your only problem is that the gtp cannot be run because a reconcile process is still in progress after transfering the data.
Thank you for reply but it hasn't helped.
Here error details:
Unable to execute macro step 'Go to Production'
Unable to execute 'AutomatedGTP_84.Implementation.Execute'
Unable to update the package. Make sure you have the permissions required.
The reason of it is permissions. It works only in case which I wrote in the first post. But it works very strangely and I hope that the another way exists.
I think this is security related, since the user who GTPs and creates the package is the owner of that package and then other users do not have rights to edit the security on it...
I think you have a couple of options:
1. It may help if all your users are given Directory Admin rights
2. You could disable the update package options on your GTPs and control the update of the package seperately as a particular user.
The second option seems more pleasant but I have no idea that I would do if it turned out that I have to use that option in GTP. :(
In Contributor admin, there is an option which has, Update Package rights on GTP. If you remove the checkbox on this it should stop the users taking over control of the package on each GTP. Before you do this you need to make sure the correct rights are set up over the web.
Hopefully once you get this right, the users will have appropriate rights to GTP via Macro, and it should work.