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IBM Cognos 8 Platform => COGNOS 8 => Report Studio => Topic started by: actcognosuser on 31 Mar 2010 09:41:05 AM

Title: Help needed with date time format!
Post by: actcognosuser on 31 Mar 2010 09:41:05 AM
Hi All,

I have a data item with date time format.I used time(date) to display only the time .The format of the column title is not changing even if i change data format properties.I tried to set the source type as data item value instead of member caption.Still not working.

This is the result i get 05:00:00.000.I Want to display only hours and minutes.
Database is DB2.

Pls suggest a solution to get rid of the seconds and milliseconds.It looks odd as a column title.
Title: Re: Help needed with date time format!
Post by: IceTea on 01 Apr 2010 06:23:04 AM

i just tried the same - with the difference that my source is a MSSQL-DB, not a DB2.

It was no problem to just format the Date-Timestamp-Field from "default" to "Date-Time" for only showing hours and seconds within Report Studio.

Maybe the attached screenshot helps you. Important is to select the correct area in the report to do the format (check the screenshot, there you can see it). Sorry for not using the english terms - our cognos environment runs in german  ;D

Hope this fits your needs anyway.  :)


Title: Re: Help needed with date time format!
Post by: actcognosuser on 01 Apr 2010 07:47:33 AM
Thank you for your response.I am using a crosstab and i need the formatting on the title instead of the fact cells.

i need the display like this for the column:
But i am getting 8:00:00:000 even after applying data format.

                     | 8:00   9:00   10.00  11.00   12.00   1.00   2.00   3.00   4.00   
Count            | 23       30       11       12      6           5        4       43     21
Title: Re: Help needed with date time format!
Post by: IceTea on 01 Apr 2010 08:50:48 AM
Ah, now i understand.

Just tried it with a cross-tab - formating the member caption doesn't affect it, you're right. I got it solved with changing the source to "Report Expression" (don't know the exact word - in german it's called "Berichtsausdruck"), then insert your Date-Time-Field in the expression editor and then the date-time-formating works as described before.

Good luck.

Ice  :)
Title: Re: Help needed with date time format!
Post by: actcognosuser on 01 Apr 2010 09:13:12 AM
Thank you so much .

It worked when I used the report expression!Crosstab always calls for more formatting!!!
Title: Re: Help needed with date time format!
Post by: RubenvdLinden on 07 Jul 2010 06:17:22 AM
I ran into the same problem today. The suggested solution works like a charm, thank you.