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IBM Cognos 8 Platform => COGNOS 8 => COGNOS Connection => Topic started by: siddharth on 31 Mar 2010 05:19:04 AM

Title: Cognos migration
Post by: siddharth on 31 Mar 2010 05:19:04 AM
Hi guys,
I am new bee in cognos 8.4 but i am master in cognos impromptu reports, recently we have planned to migrate Cog impromptu to cognos 8.4 i have som qustionsregarding the same :(we hav only 1 catalog and around 00 reports)
1] Which migation tool we should us to migrate catalog and Impromptu reports?(I searched cognos site but havn't found suitable one)
2] Regarding installation we are planning to install cognos 8.4 in only 1 server however we hav oracle db on another server so i guss it would be fisible .
3]I am little bit confusd about namespace,content store,model and packages (if i am not wrong we can build packages using FM lik catalogs)
4] what is the exact process of migration (i guess its through XML fils)

Please hlp.

Title: Re: Cognos migration
Post by: MFGF on 01 Apr 2010 09:06:29 AM
Hi Sid,

1) Your best bet is the Migrate2C8 tool from IBM.  Be aware, though, that Cognos 8 is a completely different beast from Impromptu, and modelling strategies that worked in Impromptu may not necessarily be feasible in Cognos 8.  It's definitely worth doing some research on how Cognos 8 works, then deciding on the best approach to migrating across - either using the tool, or remodelling the data and building new reports.

2) Yes - this is entirely feasible.  You will need the Oracle client libraries on the Cognos 8 machine to connect to the remote Oracle server.

3) A Package is the equivalent of an Impromptu Catalog (ie reports are based on a package).  Packages are defined and built using Framework Manager, but in a different paradigm from Impromptu Catalogs.  In Framework Manager, connections to multiple data sources can be defined, and the data from these modelled all in one place in a single model if desired.  Within this model, namespaces can be defined to organize data into different areas or groupings within the model, then multiple packages can be published from this single model to facilitate reporting on different areas of the business.  The packages get published from Framework Manager (a client tool) to the Cognos 8 server (or group of servers), and the package definitions are stored in a database used to hold all of Cognos 8's content (the Content Store database).  When reports etc are written based on these packages, the report definitions are also saved into the Content Store database (unlike Impromptu, where the catalogs and reports are stored as files on a filesystem).
4) Depends on which approach you want to take.  Migrate2C8 uses XML definitions to bring the catalogs etc across.

Best regards,