I can't login to Cognos 8 analyst...it is a fresh install (cognos 8.3 with SP)...not sure what did wrong this is only problem pc....analyst works fine on other pcs that i installed last week...please help...the following is the error message:
[E US00055] unable to create LOGINS.LOGFILE(code =10101 8239544) check the logins= and locks = parameters in FILESYS.INI
Thanks advance for your help:)
You have to give write rights for users who will work with Analyst to the folder where filesys.ini is situated.
Might be a different location than filesys.ini - Inside filesys.ini, there are two lines (parameters), logins and locks. Those folder locations are the problem (usually it's that the folder doesn't exist - Analyst won't create the subfolders). Could also be a permissions issue to those folders as mentioned in previous post.
We have the same issue here. One user can onto access Analayst on her PC because of this error but someone else logging onto the PC does not encounter the issue.
I ahve done all checks with the filesys.ini and eben consulted IBM but they have not come back with an answer yet.
the user is question is the only user who has been setup on our new cognos 8.3 and all other users were imported from our cognos 7.3 version.
any help appreciated
Check AD group memberships for new user - still looks like the new user does not have permission to use the Analyst shared files location. Have them browse to the location via windows explorer and try to create and delete a random text file inside one of the directories: this would verify they have sufficient permissions.
(assuming you are getting the exact same error message)