Please see the example below. The measure is count of distinct IDs. The dimension is Range which is defined based on the Amount field. The requirement is to show the counts based on the amount range(calculated per ID: ID1 as Professor = 1000+600=$1600) for State and Profession.
The issue is in defining range since it varies from one dimension to other. In the example below if I define Range for State it does not match for Profession. How to define range so that it works and rolls up differently for State and Profession?
ID State Profession Amount
1 California Professor 1000
2 New York Student 500
3 California Student 500
1 NewYork Professor 600
By State: 1-500 501-1000 1001-1500
California 1 1 0
NewYork 1 0 0
By Profession:1-500 501-1000 1001-1500
Student 2 0 0
Professor 0 1 0
Think you need two range-dimensions:
1.) Range by State
2.) Range by Profession