we have a report header with just a plain text and 2-date fields.
whe we run header reapeating every page.
Is there any way page can be restricted in 1st page only when user runs a report
Select the list and create a Overall header...and you can hide the actual header. :)
Actually I have table in header not the list which has comapnt name and two different dates on right and left side..???
Drag your header along with text and 2-date fields and drop it in your body section so that it would be displayed only in the 1st page,later your header section would be empty ,delete if necessary.
Naveen ;D
somehow it s not working.sorry for keep postiong same issues.
We are using 8.1, here is the senario for page header keeps coming every page.
we just want to display page header only in first page.Our report is a list report with
section. And here is a header structure;
this is our exact header which we want to display one in first page
work place name (plain text)
from date (<data item>) to date (<data item>)
todays date (<Date>) run date (<data item>)
Any help kindly appreciated and thank you in advance
please send me your XML to attilisatish@sandiego.edu
U can create the report expression like
if (pagenumber()=1)then '<text>'
in the same way try to create for other data items which are there in Header,and let me know.
neerukanti's Solution is the right one, some time back we had the same issue to Page footer, we need it for last page only, then we have aplied this thing....
for all the texts or any other fileds like pageno or Date, add Layout Calculations and do the calculation as an example given in neerukanti's post, then it will work.
@ Neerukanti--
thank you for your kind reply....but how this work for parameterdisplay ....??
if (pagenumber()=1)then '<text>'
I mean we need to show date like 'ParamDisplayValue('From')
thank you in advance
Same for Parameter as well.....
if (pagenumber()=1)then ParamValue('Parameter1')
You don't need to write any code to avoid repeating page header in every page.It's very simple...Keep all the header stuff in One table.Select that table and goto table properties , Under "General" option select Pagination , one window will open , there unselect 'Allow contents to break across pages' and 'Repeat table rows on page break'. Save your report.Thats All.
Best Regards,
Srinivas Kalyanapu