Hi All,
I am working on cognos 8.3 version now i have to implement the performance tuning for cognos, i have implemented all the default things that were given in the Cognos Administration help guide to improve the performance but it is not sufficient I want to make it more to convince the end user .
Can any one suggest some of the best practises Performance tuning techniques that can impelment to improve the performance.
As I also need to submitt the statastics of the new implemented techniques and the default ones implemented from the Cognos Administration help guide.
EX:Suppose All the high affinity connections has to be set by default 1 if i changed it to 2 or 3 or something where does it effect?where can i see ?how can I convince the end user with the statastics?
so can anyone tell me where does exactly the changes we made reflect in the cognos , how can we come up with the statastics conclusion.
Please do needful....
I'm searching for the same point, can you help me with what you end up with please.
Thanks for your corporation,
If the performance issue is in badly designed cubes, reports or databases, the affinity settings will make absolutely no difference. You need to break up and analyse each component