i have a list report with section(3-section, DEPT, SUBJECT, CLASS).I grouped them and
make a section, working fine so far. But as per business request, I am tring to
put page brerak on DEPT, but not working at all.These are the exact process i follwed
-list report, grouped by and did section
-then Report Pages. Draged Page Set where I have your Page1.
-Expand Page Set 1, drag the Page1 under the Detail Pages folder.
-Associted the Query(Query1 inmy case)
-Clicked the Page Set1 and in properties click Grouping and sorting
-Draged the required Query item from Data items window pane to the Groups window pane, under Groups folder, under Overall.
Run the report.
please advice any solution , thank you in advance
Actually I meshed up somewhere..
PROCESS is same...
thank you all