I have a report that has 3 lists with data about a Company - and I want to see this report for multiple companies. I have 2 section headings on List 1 and 1 section heading on List 2 and List 3.
If I just create 3 lists, when the page is rendered I get the lists in this order:
Company Name A List 1
Company Name B List 1
Company Name C List 1
Company Name A List 2
Company Name B List 2
Company Name C List 2
Company Name A List 3
Company Name B List 3
Company Name C List 3
What I want is the report to be sorted like this:
Company Name A List 1
Company Name A List 2
Company Name A List 3
Company Name B List 1
Company Name B List 2
Company Name B List 3
Company Name C List 1
Company Name C List 2
Company Name C List 3
I tried placing List 2 and List 3 in the footer of List A, but on the last Company Name (Company Name C in this example) List 3 didn't appear. Any idea on how I can get my desired results?
Thanks in advance for any help.
Hi Deborah,
Could you please confirm if I understood you correctly:
Quote from: Deborah on 12 Mar 2010 08:40:23 AM
I have a report that has 3 lists with data
Three different lists in the same report? Does it mean that you have three different queries as well? If you do, are you filtering each list/query for a specific company?
Hi CognosAdm,
Thanks for replying.
Yes, the three lists are on the same page of the same report. I am using one query for all three lists since the data is similar and the three lists are just summarized differently. For example, list 1 contains all the data, list 2 contains all the data but summarized by business group, list 3 contains all the data but summarized by age group.
I'm allowing the user to choose how many companies to display from the prompt page and passing the parameter(s) to the report page as a filter.
As an aside that I forgot to mention earlier, the report worked as a PDF but not in HTML view when I used the footer of list 1 to hold list 2 and list 3.
As per my understanding regarding your problem I have one solution.You can try this out.
Take a repeater.Insert one table with 3 rows and one column and in each row add the list which you want. This will result in showing up all the three list say for company A on one page.When you will click on Page up it will show up all three list for Company B and so on.
Hope this is what you expect.