Any useful differences that you have found in Cognos8 framework manager?
Any thing to solve some of your reporting issues?
Please post your findings.
Few difference I can share in Cognos 8 Framework manager,
1.You will find a new options called 'Create Shortcut' and 'Create Aliase' in previous version there is only one option 'Create Shortcut' which has some bugs also
2.In reportnet you cannot access Powerplay cubes in Congos 8 FM you can connect to the cubes
Then there are the additions to make problem resolution easier, such as Model Advisor. Also the ability to remap Model Query Subjects from one source to another within the model.
It may well be worth digging out the 8.3 and 8.4 New Features guides on the IBM site - these will give you a list of what changed and what it means.
Thanks for all your replies. I did read the differences on the website, I am looking for the more uncommon ones you may have practically used that may help report development.
For example outer joins, any formatting differences anything in the framework that caused issues with the reports earlier but is now resolved.
Thanks again for your responses.