having issue with Dynamic drillthrough from Powerplay studio report to Report studio report.
I created a Report studio(Relational package) report without prompts.
using Drillthrough Defination created a drill through with Target report and selected Run the report using dynamic filtering.
Then opened the power play studio report and tried to run the Drill thriugh, Target report is showing only the coulms headings not the data.
For the testing I ran the target report directly in report studio, there it is showing the data. I am not sure why the Dynamic drill through is not wrorking.
Any body have any idea??
Has the cube been built using codes or descriptions as the category code? For example, if you have a level called "Product Line" which uses the Product Line Code as the category code but displays Product Line (the description) as the label, this would probably confuse the drill-through, as the value being passed would be the code, but it would be identified in the metadata as "Product Line" which is a description in the relational environment.
Thanks MF, as you mentioned, issue was with Lables. I have removed the lables then tested, seems like working fine now.
Thanks a lot for your information.
Hi MF,
I am having one more issue here with passing the dates from cubes to Report studio report.
Dynamic drillthrough is not passing the dates.
In the cube and report studio report Date Received is the source for the dates. In cube I have created date dimension using Date wizard(Year/Quarter/Month/Day)
If you have any idea please advise me.
Check the date filter on your target relational report. It should be similar to [Your date item] in_range ?Date Parameter?
Check the [Your date item] query item is defined as a relational date/time column, not a text or numeric field.
Hi MF,
I am working with dynamic drill through, that do not need to have filters in target report.
client does not want to map the report studio report filter to soucrce(cube) for that I am trying to get resolve the Time dimension issue with create calculated columns in the report studio report.
I was able to drill through for Year, Quarter and month level.
having issue with Week and Day, if I select the drill through for week or day level it is not showing anything.
Here is my calculated columns:
Year : extract (Year, [Entities].[9exr Transactional Data].[Date Received])
Month: to_char([Entities].[9exr Transactional Data].[Date Received],'YYYY/Mon')
Quarter: if([Month] in ([Year]||'/'||'Jan', [Year]||'/'||'Feb', [Year]||'/'||'Mar')) then ([Year] ||' '|| 'Q 1')
if([Month] in ([Year]||'/'||'Apr', [Year]||'/'||'May', [Year]||'/'||'Jun')) then ([Year] ||' '|| 'Q 2')
if([Month] in ([Year]||'/'||'Jul', [Year]||'/'||'Aug', [Year]||'/'||'Sep')) then ([Year] ||' '|| 'Q 3')
if([Month] in ([Year]||'/'||'Oct', [Year]||'/'||'Nov', [Year]||'/'||'Dec')) then ([Year] ||' '|| 'Q 4')
Based on day I have to calculate the Week.
in the cube week format is YYYY/MM/DD
Day format is YY/MM/DD
can you help me to create a Week and day calculated columns in report studio which needs to matchthe same columns in the transformer cube.
Thanks for your help.