Presently I'am workin on PowerPlay Transformer ,Impromptu Administrator , Impromptu andÃ, Power play ie creating Catalogs,Models and impromptu reports and power play reports
Now i want move my self to work on complete deployment of Cognos application for an organization
anyone Please suggestÃ, me to choose my path
is it Upfront?
Cognos 8?
which one is the best??
appreciate any suggestionsÃ, Ã, :D
If it's a whole new application then Cognos 8 will give you the most feature rich and future proof architecture. If you have legacy Cognos infrastructure in place then you will need to assess the migration cost.
Thanq vuery much for the suggestion
Cognos 8 BI is the way to go. CRN was/is just a stop-gap for Cognos.
Besides Cognos 8 BI you may also want to look at the Finance (Controller) and Planning (Contributor).
Cognos also has application development tools (also in version 8).