we built a new Cognos 8.4 (64 bit) environment on Windows 2008 64 bit OS. i have been trying to create some data sources (type- Oracle ) in this environment with out any luck. I have tried with Oracle 10.2 (32 bit and 64 bit) client. I am able to log into the database using SQLNET, but i am not able to do the same in Cognos. The error i get is log on failed. I am aware i need a 32 bit Oracle client but we had the same behavior with that so we switched to 64 bit Oracle client. i personally feel that the BIBUS is not able to load the lib's files for Oracle. Do i need to do any configuration changes? Please Suggest....
Thanks in advance....!
you definitely need the 32-bit client - 64-bit cognos really isn't 64-bit, for the most part it just runs in a 64-bit JVM. Make sure you have all your oracle env vars set up right and that you can use sqlplus with your tns defined connection. You will have to restart cognos for new windows env vars to take effect.
Thanks a lot... Yea i was aware that i have to install the 32 bit client itself, but was hitting the issue so had to try to 64 bit client. Anyway the issue is fixed now... There was a bug on the Oracle 10g 32 bit client.
Thanks again
sKumar, can you tell me what the bug is and how you solve it?