Hello all,
I've just inherited a couple data manager jobs, after reviewing them and how they work, I went to run one in DEV to verify all is good, and immediatly ran into issue.... I don't know if it's missing files... are they fiels theat DM should create? Is it an access issue?
Here's the version: Data Manager v8.1.209.25
Here is the log file where the failure occurs:
[PROGRESS - 09:26:47] Delivery 'SC_HS_CDN_EXP_EXTENSION_NEW': produced SQL*Loader Control file 'C:\Program Files\cognos\c8\datamanager\data\ORALOAD_00000ff4_simc_6.ctl'
[PROGRESS - 09:26:47] Delivery 'SC_HS_CDN_EXP_EXTENSION_NEW': produced SQL*Loader Data file 'C:\Program Files\cognos\c8\datamanager\data\ORALOAD_00000ff4_simc_5.dat'
DS-LIB-E500: Windows OS function 'CreateProcess' error 2; The system cannot find the file specified.
DS-ORALOAD-E050: Delivery 'SC_HS_CDN_EXP_EXTENSION_NEW': cannot create SQL*Loader process.
Command: "sqlldr" "userid=dmuser/<password>@etldvu" "control='C:\Program Files\cognos\c8\datamanager\data\ORALOAD_00000ff4_simc_6.ctl'" silent=feedback "log='C:\Program Files\cognos\c8\datamanager\data\ORALOAD_00000ff4_simc_7.log'" "bad='C:\Program Files\cognos\c8\datamanager\data\ORALOAD_00000ff4_simc_8.bad'"
DS-BUILD-E005: Delivery 'SC_HS_CDN_EXP_EXTENSION_NEW': failed.
[PROGRESS - 09:26:47] Build 'SC_HS_CDN_EXP_EXTENSION_NEW' Failed
databuild -- failed (04-Mar-2010 09:26:47)
Any help/guidance would be great.
This might be barking up the completley wrong tree but it looks like you haven't got the SQL Loader source files.
'C:\Program Files\cognos\c8\datamanager\data\ORALOAD_00000ff4_simc_6.ctl' etc
As these point to the C drive they may have been saved locally, did you inherit these too?
Yeah I thought that too, but it appears these files are being created by DM... at least the xxx.dat, and xxx.ctl are.
The error seems to occur when the xxx.log file or the xxx.bad file is being created, or just before that.
Sorry I'm out of ideas, anyone else?
Problem Solved....
I'm learning stuff every day!
I didn't have the oracle utility SQL Loader installed.... I didn't know that there existed an oracle utility called SQL Loader installed.