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IBM Cognos 8 Platform => COGNOS 8 => Report Studio => Topic started by: MellBI on 04 Mar 2010 03:29:29 AM

Title: Run report as HTML works fine but Run as PDF or Excel fails - SOLVED
Post by: MellBI on 04 Mar 2010 03:29:29 AM
Problem description                                                     
When building a report we receive the following error message when     
validating query items                                                 
UDA-SQL-0219 The function "year" is being used for local processing but
is not available as a built-in function, or at least one of its         
parameters is not supported   
The strange thing is that we do not use any "Year" function in the     
As far as i have found we do not use any transformations in the         
Framework Manager model.                                               
The report is a simple list report with a join between two queries...   
I am able to run the report as HTML but when running as PDF or Excel it
fails with the above message     
Any Ideas?

Title: Re: Run report as HTML works fine but Run as PDF or Excel fails
Post by: rockytopmark on 04 Mar 2010 12:45:01 PM
Queries for HTML are processed slightly differently than with the other formats.

If you have a simple list, and if there is no aggregation/summarization going on, you can try turning off the Auto Group and Summarize property on each of the queries.
Title: Re: Run report as HTML works fine but Run as PDF or Excel fails
Post by: MFGF on 05 Mar 2010 04:55:12 AM
Juat as a quick sanity check, go to Tools -> Copy Report to Clipboard, then open a Notepad session and paste the report spec into there.  Run a search in Notepad for "year" - does it return any hits?

Title: Re: Run report as HTML works fine but Run as PDF or Excel fails
Post by: MellBI on 16 Mar 2010 02:46:22 PM
Sorry for the late reply, I have been off for ski vacation....

Turning OFF the Auto Group & Summarize do not make any change.

When I search the Notepad text i have several hits when searching for "Year" since Year is a column in the report. I have also a filter on "2010", If I delete the filter on 2010 the report is still having the same behaviour.

Title: Re: Run report as HTML works fine but Run as PDF or Excel fails
Post by: MellBI on 06 Jul 2010 05:46:23 AM

This was solved by changing a SQL function used in Framework Manager to use Getdate() instead

Title: Re: Run report as HTML works fine but Run as PDF or Excel fails - SOLVED
Post by: mvjcognos on 13 Jul 2010 02:39:18 AM

the report which u r running is migrated from any prior version or from starting it is running in the same version...

For this type of issues u need to run the report in html and check one by one page till bottom dont go from 1st  to bottom page it is mandatory that u need to check all pages then find any error coming in the html output...

If u get any error then because of that u are unable to run excel and pdf.
pdf and excel will run once and extract complete output where as html will run for every page.........

U will get error like sql preparations or pid is missing or data compatibilty.........