Problem description
When building a report we receive the following error message when
validating query items
UDA-SQL-0219 The function "year" is being used for local processing but
is not available as a built-in function, or at least one of its
parameters is not supported
The strange thing is that we do not use any "Year" function in the
As far as i have found we do not use any transformations in the
Framework Manager model.
The report is a simple list report with a join between two queries...
I am able to run the report as HTML but when running as PDF or Excel it
fails with the above message
Any Ideas?
Queries for HTML are processed slightly differently than with the other formats.
If you have a simple list, and if there is no aggregation/summarization going on, you can try turning off the Auto Group and Summarize property on each of the queries.
Juat as a quick sanity check, go to Tools -> Copy Report to Clipboard, then open a Notepad session and paste the report spec into there. Run a search in Notepad for "year" - does it return any hits?
Sorry for the late reply, I have been off for ski vacation....
Turning OFF the Auto Group & Summarize do not make any change.
When I search the Notepad text i have several hits when searching for "Year" since Year is a column in the report. I have also a filter on "2010", If I delete the filter on 2010 the report is still having the same behaviour.
This was solved by changing a SQL function used in Framework Manager to use Getdate() instead
the report which u r running is migrated from any prior version or from starting it is running in the same version...
For this type of issues u need to run the report in html and check one by one page till bottom dont go from 1st to bottom page it is mandatory that u need to check all pages then find any error coming in the html output...
If u get any error then because of that u are unable to run excel and pdf.
pdf and excel will run once and extract complete output where as html will run for every page.........
U will get error like sql preparations or pid is missing or data compatibilty.........