I have a DMR package and I have created 2 queries
Query 1 - Region, Agency, Report #, # of Reports
Query 2 - Region, Agnecy, Report #, # of Referrals
On the page have
List 1 - Region, Agency, # of Reports, Group by Region, Agency and I defined a property for Report #. When I do an aggregate Total for # of Reports, I get the correct # of Report by Agency and Region.
List 2 - Region, Agency, # of Referrals, Group by Region, Agency and I defined a property for Report #. When I do an aggregate total for # of Referrals, I get the Total # of Referrals for the report for each Agency and Region.
I create these queries and list that same way. I have compared the measure in the framework manager and they look the same and I have also compared the query properties and I don't see any difference.
Why doesn't the 2nd list Total correctly for the grouping and the first one does?
QuoteOn the page have
List 1 - Region, Agency, # of Reports, Group by Region, Agency and I defined a property for Report #. When I do an aggregate Total for # of Reports, I get the correct # of Report by Agency and Region.
List 2 - Region, Agency, # of Referrals, Group by Region, Agency and I defined a property for Report #. When I do an aggregate total for # of Referrals, I get the Total # of Referrals for the report for each Agency and Region.
I think that is what it is ought to... What else do you want??? If you want the aggregate for # of Referrals, why have you set the property of the second list as Report # ?
Query 1 - Region, Agency, Report #, # of Reports
That would mean a non aggregate as you are counting reports while fetching Report itself, thus returning a non-aggregate. However, while # of Reports will have the value of 1, the rollup against Region and Agency will ensure correct value for # or reports (by rollup, not by aggregate)
Query #1 works correctly
Query #2 doesn't work correctly,
Region Agency # Report # #_Of_referrals
A B A1 1
Total for Agency B 5 should be 1
A C B1 1
A C C2 1
A C C3 1
A C C4 1
Total for Agency C 5 should be 4
Total for Region A 5 This is correct
Total for Report 5 this is correct
Reason report is included is because a report can become a referral. #_of_referrals is my fact in the table.
I switched the rollup aggreagte function to none and it looks a little better on query #2, but it still isn't right. Now it gives me a 1 for each to the Total's. I tried setting the aggreagate function to Total, summarized, automatic, calculated and none and they all return the 1.