How to import a package from cognos server to local pc? I meant I want to modify a package which is already in server & want to import that package in my pc.
Any idea?
I'm not quite sure what you are asking for here. Do you mean you have a C8 server instance installed on your PC and you want to replicate a package from the main server, or do you mean you have Framework Manager on your PC and are looking to somehow create a model from a published package?
Quote from: MFGF on 03 Mar 2010 09:07:21 AM
I'm not quite sure what you are asking for here. Do you mean you have a C8 server instance installed on your PC and you want to replicate a package from the main server, or do you mean you have Framework Manager on your PC and are looking to somehow create a model from a published package?
I want to modify a published package in my Framework Manager. Please take note that this package is published by some one else not by me. I do not have this copy in my pc.
You cannot rework a package as it is a runtime component. You need the model and FM , make your changes and then republish..
That's not correct.
There's a tool existing which can reverse engineer a FM Model from a Content Store-published Package.
The major thing is to get this tool, which could be a problem cause it's not officially supported. But it's worth a try at the IBM Cognos Support...
Okay, I stand corrected. It may / may not be possible depending on the availability of a non-supported tool. In any case you would need to make sure that you manage your models as a source. Reverse engineering is then a last resort I would say ..