Hi All,
How can i decrease the cube size for the below ex:
I have a cube which is used by HR for brandwise budeting (macro level), cube has brands as dimensions (165 line items), verison (2 line items), Employee movement ( 5 line items, ADD, DEL, BDGT, Current, total), Serial dim having 60 Line items and grand total ( Each line item is nothing but employer), another dimension of 45 items.
total size of the cube now is 4.5million cells.
When the user wants to load the file using locallink @ web levelit throws the JCE run error says cube size issue.
Then, i have reduced the cube to 2.5 million by removing 30 line items from serial dim, i was able to load the file.
Actually speaking we want all 60 line items in serial dim, the user wants to see the detail level as well as at grand total level.
How can i decrease the cube size with out deleting the line items? whether i can use this serial dim as virtual dim in any of the cal dimension? does it make sense?
Please find the screenshot enclosed as attachment.
One of the dirty menthods is to remove one of the version. The size of D-Cube would become half and create another d-cube for version 2 with dlink, admin link or system link between versions.
What dimension do you have as elist? Is it possible to create rules which dimension items in the large brand dimension are needed for each elist item? In that case you could cut down the cube using no data access tables
The elist consists of 2 dimensions, thats all.
Quote from: Radhika on 25 Feb 2010 07:58:25 AM
Hi All,
How can i decrease the cube size for the below ex:
I have a cube which is used by HR for brandwise budeting (macro level), cube has brands as dimensions (165 line items), verison (2 line items), Employee movement ( 5 line items, ADD, DEL, BDGT, Current, total), Serial dim having 60 Line items and grand total ( Each line item is nothing but employer), another dimension of 45 items.
total size of the cube now is 4.5million cells.
When the user wants to load the file using locallink @ web levelit throws the JCE run error says cube size issue.
Then, i have reduced the cube to 2.5 million by removing 30 line items from serial dim, i was able to load the file.
Actually speaking we want all 60 line items in serial dim, the user wants to see the detail level as well as at grand total level.
How can i decrease the cube size with out deleting the line items? whether i can use this serial dim as virtual dim in any of the cal dimension? does it make sense?
Please find the screenshot enclosed as attachment.
Hi Radhika,
I am assuming that there are only two items for e-list which not included in 4.5 million calculation..
I have used this size cubes several time in many environment and it works fine on contributor with little slow performance, while data entry on version 8.4 and 8.1 as well
just check whats ur server configuration, ram and planning version...
nevertheless for size there is just a wild thought that you can spilt the cube by using logical grouping of brands and create 2 or 3 small cubes can solve ur problem ..