What is BMT script Player? Hoiw is it helpful to Framework Manager??
Can any one documents related to BMT script Player?
When you use Framework Manager to create and amend a project, all your actions are recorded in XML log files, which can be replayed in full or in part, either from within FM itself (Project -> Run Script), or from the command line using the BMT Script Player. If you are feeling particularly masochistic, you could even code the XML scripts manually using a text editor, and run them with the script player to create your project, thus bypassing Framework Manager altogether (but let's be honest, you really wouldn't want to do this!!!)
You can find documentation on BMT Script Player in the IBM Cognos 8 Framework Manager User Guide - Chapter 7: Managing the Project - pages 297 to 303 in my 8.4.1 version.
Just out of idle curiosity, do you know if Cognos uses that to create the metric packages?
Hi Paul,
You're up early!!! :) Off the top of my head, I'd guess so, but I haven't looked so that's just my gut feeling. One of these days I may well investigate if I ever get enough time. :)
Ohh thanks paul that was useful for me..
Thanks MFGF
I want to publish a package using BMT script player...
Not too early for me, already past lunch time. ;D
I've found some files that seem to be the templates for the metric package. It might be possible to modify them to make metric packages just a little more user friendly. This is especially great since publishing the package overwrites the default metric package with a reporting one.
there are examples in InstallationDirectory/webcontent/samples/Models/gosales_scriptplayer
Is anyone aware of a away to do this on Linux since BMT is windows only?
Quote from: PaulM on 25 Feb 2010 05:55:21 AM
Not too early for me, already past lunch time. ;D
I've found some files that seem to be the templates for the metric package. It might be possible to modify them to make metric packages just a little more user friendly. This is especially great since publishing the package overwrites the default metric package with a reporting one.
Are you referring to the packages to be used for Metric Studio/Designer or something else?
Wow this is old. I've learned a bit since then.
Exactly Cognostechie. When you publish a metrics package, it automatically creates a framework model and saves it to the temp folder. You can then modify that model, but you have to make sure to publish it with a different package name. At the time I was looking for a way to boost the performance of custom metrics reports, and to add in the SPs Cognos uses to update the metrics.
Not metrics... looking to use BM or something like it to play xml files (automate creating of FM/packages.