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IBM Cognos 8 Platform => COGNOS 8 => Report Studio => Topic started by: sanchoniathon on 24 Feb 2010 09:26:22 PM

Title: Excel export not possible - Report Studio 8.4
Post by: sanchoniathon on 24 Feb 2010 09:26:22 PM

We have this user that is not able to EXPORT his report to EXCEL (all available versions).

He runs the report in HTML. He then decides to export it to EXCEL by clicking on the appropritate button.  Then there is a window that opens REALLY fats and disapears REALLY fast ...

If i try it or another collegue, we get the "save in" window and we are then able to save the report in excel in our folder of choice. But our famous user nevers gets to that SAVE window ?

He is using Internet Explorer 8 but so do i and my other collegue ??
We checked for Internet Options to see if everything was CHECKED besides the DOWNLOADS section for the TRUSTED SITES as well as for INTRANET.

Any advice ?

Thanks !
Title: Re: Excel export not possible - Report Studio 8.4
Post by: paddhu on 25 Feb 2010 06:30:35 AM
What happens if you set the report to run in the Excel format by default; i.e. rather than HTML try setting Excel.
Now what does this fantastic user experience???
Title: Re: Excel export not possible - Report Studio 8.4
Post by: blom0344 on 25 Feb 2010 08:55:50 AM
8.4 does not officially support IE 8.  8.4.1 does.  You can try to set IE8 to the IE7 compatibility mode and see if this solves the problem.
Title: Re: Excel export not possible - Report Studio 8.4
Post by: sanchoniathon on 25 Feb 2010 10:55:25 AM
Thanks to both of you,

1- Unfortunately i didn't try to execute the report in excel format DIRECTLY, i will ask my user to do so.

2- blom0344, how do you "set IE8 to the IE7 compatibility mode and see if this solves the problem."

Good day !
Title: Re: Excel export not possible - We had same issue!
Post by: Anke on 25 Feb 2010 11:05:04 AM
I had this same issue with a user last was a pop up blocker!  The Google toolbar to be exact.  I uninstalled and the user was fine opening Excel files.
Title: Re: Excel export not possible - Report Studio 8.4
Post by: blom0344 on 25 Feb 2010 01:45:03 PM
Quote from: sanchoniathon on 25 Feb 2010 10:55:25 AM

2- blom0344, how do you "set IE8 to the IE7 compatibility mode and see if this solves the problem."

in the menu..
Title: Re: Excel export not possible - Report Studio 8.4
Post by: sanchoniathon on 25 Feb 2010 01:48:02 PM
Thanks to all,

But Ake, you were right, it was exactly the google toolbar our problem ...
We desactivated the "pop up blocker" from the google toolbar and voilĂ  ... it now works.

good day !
Title: Re: Excel export not possible - Report Studio 8.4
Post by: paddhu on 25 Feb 2010 10:05:45 PM
Thanks Anke for that info...
Title: Re: Excel export not possible - Report Studio 8.4
Post by: MFGF on 26 Feb 2010 04:16:30 AM
Great info Anke!  Thanks! :)
Title: Re: Excel export not possible - Report Studio 8.4
Post by: Sreeni P on 28 Feb 2010 01:01:21 PM
days back, I was messed up with this problem...thx Anke for great ....great R&D
Title: Re: Excel export not possible - Report Studio 8.4
Post by: Anke on 02 Mar 2010 06:30:47 AM
Title: Re: Excel export not possible - Report Studio 8.4
Post by: A152257 on 22 Feb 2011 09:12:28 AM
IE 8 Does't Work Fine With Cognos  >:(
Title: Re: Excel export not possible - Report Studio 8.4
Post by: MFGF on 22 Feb 2011 09:57:20 AM
Quote from: A152257 on 22 Feb 2011 09:12:28 AM
IE 8 Does't Work Fine With Cognos  >:(

Yes it does - but only from Cognos 8.4.1 onwards.  This is when support for IE8 was introduced to the product.