QuoteRSV-SRV-0040 An application error has occurred. Contact your Administrator. CCLSystemError:2000:Fatal: Operation failed attempting to get page offset beyond limit.
I keep getting that error when trying to run a large report to Excel. It works fine on smaller amounts of data, but when I expand the filter, I get the error message and it fails.
I've read in some places that List property "Rows Per Page" should have no value in it. I did that... still not working.
Any ideas?
An excel page can store only 65000 odd rows. Is that what the limitation error you are facing???
I don't think that's the issue.
1) It worked before. About 600,000 rows... it just put the data on many different tabs.
2) I have Excel 2007 (can handle about 1,000,000 rows). Oddly enough, even with 2007 it still limits each tab to about 65,000 rows, and splits data among different tabs. I'm fine with that. It was working this way before.... now I just get the error message.
Ya, after seeing your post, I also tried generating a huge report with Excel format. It had around 3,000,000 rows, and it generated without any error. Though it took some time...
Is the error message all you get? Probably your capability rights are restricting you from seeing the full error. Tell your administrator to get you the full error message.
One weird thought - Try reinstalling MS Office... You know, sometimes it works... ;)