Need some insight onto what are the possible ways to change company structure.
Scenario : Company S (subsidiary of P) is created and attached to group G1. In the coming months Company S acquires Company S1 and becomes parent. Rest all remaining the same, how to change group for company S from G1 to new group G2 (created to consolidate Company S)
I tried changing group for Company S for same consolidation type but different period, but it did not allow.
Thank you in aniticipation of replies
I trust you understand that companies are attached to a structure for a range of periods. The effect is that they can be owned by one company up to one date e.g. 200607 to 200910 and another company from that date e.g. 200911 to 999999.
In your example when a company acquires another you will need to add a sub-consolidation company (SCon) above the acquiring company (S) and add the acquired company (S1) as a sub of SCon. Company S will also become a parent from the point of acquring S1. You will also need to add a group adjustment company (automated) if you are using a legal basis elimination.