I have set up some cascading prompts. One thing I noticed is that sometimes, the cascades don't work properly, and sometimes this results in blank reports.
So, I was thinking, if I re-pasted the relevant filter conditions to each prompt, then I would get the correct cascade. Or am I way off?
With the cascades, I am using the correct parms.
Would appreciate if someone has some thoughts on this?
From my experience, most of the times the cascading prompt on a string data item does not work as expected. Applying 'trim' function on both the sides of the prompt filter has solve the problem every time.
If you can post a specific problem/example, will be able to share better.
Hi Yo!,
Thanks for the response - let me give you a specific example.
Let us say I have 3 prompts (Cascading).
The prompts are: Status, Department, and Manager
Status has Active, Pending, Expired, closed, Forwarded, etc
Department has Accounting, Marketing, Finance etc
Manager has manager names.
The Report itself has 2 filters:
Status <> 'Closed' OR Status <> 'Expired'
Dept <>'Finance'
The problem, I come across is this:
The First prompt Status is fine. But when it cascades from Status to Department and Manager, sometimes the results are OK, while in others no quite, or I could even wind up with a blank report, when I shouldn't have. I get more departments or managers, than I really should.
But if I to place the main report filters also in the prompt queries, that seems to work. It seems redundant though, since the report already has over-arching filters, and the prompts should have behaved within those parameters.
I'll try the trim() and see if that also makes a difference.
Hey rcaesar,
While you are at it, try putting trim() on the data item in prompt query as well.
Let me know if you get it working.
Hi Yo!
Yes, I tried the TRIM().
No, I don't get the required results, and the other thing is if I use TRIM(), the ability to "select/deselect all" doesn't show on the prompt. In fact, I can't even use the mouse to select all or a even a few.
We need that ability - but isn't it odd, that trim() would negate that ability - trim is only supposed to take away leading spaces, and it is surprising it does this.
But much appreciate all the help, I 'll keep chugging along, and hope to find an answer soon.