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IBM Cognos 8 Platform => COGNOS 8 => Report Studio => Topic started by: mbrassfi on 11 Feb 2010 12:57:02 PM

Title: bursting reports to multipe hard coded email addresses
Post by: mbrassfi on 11 Feb 2010 12:57:02 PM
Hi there,

I was wondering if anyone knew the correct way of adding email addresses to the data item so that they will burst correctly.  I can burst to one by simply putting


and I have tried

'' and '' and ''

as well as

'' or '' or ''

but both create errors.  Thanks for your help!
Title: Re: bursting reports to multipe hard coded email addresses
Post by: MFGF on 12 Feb 2010 03:31:14 AM

Do you mean that you want each burst output to be emailed to multiple email addresses, or do you require each burst output to be mailed to a different email address?

If it's the former, try ';;'

If it's the latter, then depending what value you are bursting across, an if-then-else construct should suffice

if ([item you are bursting on] = 'first value') then ('') else if ([item you are bursting on] = 'second value') then ('') else ('')

Title: Re: bursting reports to multipe hard coded email addresses
Post by: ccbarbeau on 06 Sep 2013 12:55:58 PM

I am facing an issue similar to this. The following syntax in the recipients data item yields the error message found below.


CNC-SDS-0336 There are no valid recipients for the message. The message will not be sent. Please check delivery addresses.

Any thoughts?

Title: Re: bursting reports to multipe hard coded email addresses
Post by: RKMI on 06 Sep 2013 01:23:44 PM

Did you try one email at a time?


Also is this syntax correct for multiple address?

Should it be, I see " ' " missing is it considering at one big string which is not a vaild address?

If this doesn't help I would log IBM PMR to see if your current version of cognos has a Hotsite fix for delivery method.


Title: Re: bursting reports to multipe hard coded email addresses
Post by: ccbarbeau on 06 Sep 2013 01:30:13 PM

One email at a time works fine. I had seperating email addresses per your suggestion, and I get a parsing error; C10 does not accept that I am seperating emails with a single quote and a semicolon. My syntax looks exactly like yours...

I'm not sure what you mean by 'If this doesn't help I would log IBM PMR to see if your current version of cognos has a Hotsite fix for delivery method.'? should I be asking my architects about this?

Thanks again
Title: Re: bursting reports to multipe hard coded email addresses
Post by: Damian on 13 Sep 2016 01:13:04 AM
For anyone who's still wondering ... use the format
