Hi there,
I was wondering if anyone knew the correct way of adding email addresses to the data item so that they will burst correctly. I can burst to one by simply putting
and I have tried
'email@company.com' and 'email1@company.com' and 'email2@company.com'
as well as
'email@company.com' or 'email1@company.com' or 'email2@company.com'
but both create errors. Thanks for your help!
Do you mean that you want each burst output to be emailed to multiple email addresses, or do you require each burst output to be mailed to a different email address?
If it's the former, try 'email@company.com;email1@company.com;email2@company.com'
If it's the latter, then depending what value you are bursting across, an if-then-else construct should suffice
if ([item you are bursting on] = 'first value') then ('email@company.com') else if ([item you are bursting on] = 'second value') then ('email1@company.com') else ('email2@company.com')
I am facing an issue similar to this. The following syntax in the recipients data item yields the error message found below.
CNC-SDS-0336 There are no valid recipients for the message. The message will not be sent. Please check delivery addresses.
Any thoughts?
Did you try one email at a time?
Also is this syntax correct for multiple address?
Should it be, I see " ' " missing is it considering at one big string which is not a vaild address?
If this doesn't help I would log IBM PMR to see if your current version of cognos has a Hotsite fix for delivery method.
One email at a time works fine. I had seperating email addresses per your suggestion, and I get a parsing error; C10 does not accept that I am seperating emails with a single quote and a semicolon. My syntax looks exactly like yours...
I'm not sure what you mean by 'If this doesn't help I would log IBM PMR to see if your current version of cognos has a Hotsite fix for delivery method.'? should I be asking my architects about this?
Thanks again
For anyone who's still wondering ... use the format