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IBM Cognos 8 Platform => COGNOS 8 => Report Studio => Topic started by: fshahul on 06 Feb 2010 01:45:49 AM

Title: Need Help
Post by: fshahul on 06 Feb 2010 01:45:49 AM
I'm using Cognos 8.2 version.
I'm having one crosstab Report, page name as "Country" and the data items are Country (Grouped), Product names, Current forecast, and Actual forecast. I have created one page set to display details by countrywise in separate pages.
I'm having 11 Countries and in excel 2002 output, 11 Countries are displaying in 11 separate sheets. Sheet names are Country-1, Country-2, Country-3...., Country-11(Report page name-1, Report page name-2 etc). But my requirement is the sheet names should replace by Country names.
For ex: If the sheet1 contains details on India, then the page name should be India instead of Country-1.
Please anyone help me on this.

Thanks in Advance
Title: Re: Need Help
Post by: fshahul on 08 Feb 2010 02:10:50 AM
Can any one help me on this?
Title: Re: Need Help
Post by: paddhu on 17 Feb 2010 01:04:48 AM
Eagerly waiting for an answer from Cognos greats...
Title: Re: Need Help
Post by: blom0344 on 17 Feb 2010 06:12:00 AM
AFAIK this not doable from the Cognos side. Technically you could write a VBA procedure that performs this action from within Excel, based on a cell value. This however would only make sense if you can open an Excel template that stores the VBA procedure. By default Cognos opens a standard empty Excel workbook..
Title: Re: Need Help
Post by: paddhu on 19 Feb 2010 06:50:42 AM
Ya, that was what I too guessed. An excel macro would do the trick. But you will have to code the macro in the excel, before distributing...