as written in the subject i try to get an overview of the usage for the different studios. Like:
User A started Report Studio at ABC o'clock
User A closed Report Studio at FGE o'clock
So i did set up database auditing (all samples working fine) and hoped to finde clues in there....
Well looks like i'm not smart enough -.-
Anyone can point me to where to gather the informations i need ?
Thx in advance!
PS: Cognos 8.4
I create audit report using the following logic
Adhoc cube analysis using Analysis Studio is identified by the combination of
[Audit].[COGIPF_EDITQUERY].[QUERY NAME] = 'adHocReport'
[Audit].[COGIPF_EDITQUERY].[TARGET TYPE] = 'Analysis ReportService'
Predefined cube analysis using Analysis Studio is identified by the combination of
[Audit].[COGIPF_EDITQUERY].[QUERY NAME] <> 'adHocReport'
[Audit].[COGIPF_EDITQUERY].[TARGET TYPE] = 'Analysis ReportService'
Query Studio users identified by
[Audit].[COGIPF_EDITQUERY].[TARGET TYPE] = 'Query ReportService'
Users running Prompt report identified by
[Audit].[Run Reports].[Report type] in ('Report reportservice', 'Report promptforward reportservice')
Thanks, I will try that...
Well, I got execution reports for Analysis Studio, Report Studio and Query Studio (by user and timestamp).
Only Event Studio is still silent ... any more advice ?