Hi All,
I am facing problem regarding the way data should be displayed in report cell.
Scenario is -
My list report column displays character string in following fashion-
'abcde AND bcdef AND hgdsg OR jksdgh'
Now my requirement is i want to display same information in following format-
AND bcdef
AND hgdsg
OR jksdgh'
It is same like wrapping text in Excel however wrapping should be done on key words like AND , OR.
Can somebody help to achieve this functionality..?
Thanks in Advance..!!
Hello Cognos Gurus,
Can i assume that this functionality is not possible with cognos report studio.. :'(
This is a good question.
--Did you review or try the "Spacing and Breaking" in the Properties Area?
--Did you review or try the Data Format - Text settings to see if you can control it that way?
Otherwise you need a way to insert the HTML <BR> between the words to force a break. However, unless you are able to change the text that advise is fairly useless. :-)
If you figure it out - please post back.