Hello there, I am having a problem with my aggregation. I am busting reports, and want to insert subtotals on to the list. I have three attributes that get subtotaled, Org Desc, Org level 2 and Account desc. The subtotals for the lower levels work, but the sub total for Org Desc is for the all the reports put together, not just the single department that it is bursting on. Please help, Thanks!
Dept 5000 (Sectioned)
Org Desc | Org level 2 | Account Desc
xxx1 xxx2 xxx3 2
xxx1 xxx2 xxx4 2
Subtotal 4
xxx1 xxx2 xxx4 2
Subtotal 2
Dept 6000 (Sectioned)
Org Desc | Org level 2 | Account Desc
xxx2 xxx2 xxx3 2
xxx2 xxx2 xxx4 2
Subtotal 4
xxx2 xxx2 xxx4 2
Subtotal 2
Alright, I seem to be doing this alot, but I figured out how to deal with this type of issue. Ungroup everything that is in the bottom level list, delete the subtotals. Add in the first column the same attribute that was used in the sectioning. Regroup from first column over. Aggregate the columns needed. Then click on the column just added, in my case department, and press ctrl-x. This apparently keeps all some of the aspects of that first column while still removing it from the list.
You could simply replace the default aggregation in the footer with a calculation with an expression of total([measure value] for report) - does this give you what you need without ungrouping, regrouping and cutting?