Hi, first of all english is not my first language I will try to be as clear as I can.
Supposed I have 2 dimension , one for the sex the second the language and as meausre dollars.
these are the data in alist
sex lang $
w en 15
w fr 100
m en 200
m en 151
m en 49
m fr 45
In a crosstab that will look like
woman man total
en 15 400 415
fr 100 45 45
Now I want to split for the man the dollar like this "man with more or less then 50$" , the result should be
woman man total
<50 >50
en 15 351 49 415
fr 100 45 0 45
The problem here, I don't have any dimension for dollar range. there is a way to create kind of a "sub dimension' based on measure and dimension. If yo know how I don't want the solution step by step but more am indication to how i can do it and If you have documentation I will like to look at it.
Thanks for your help
I think you can create two calculated members to perform you requirements
The first calculated member should be,
when man > 50
then man
else 0
The other calculated member will be something like
when man < 50
then man
else 0
And when you are going to use them in the crosstab as a sub-node to man, they will be aggregated and will give you the required result.