Hello All,
I am unable to edit or resize the pie chart and crosstab in the report we have. There is one conditional block with only one value prompt, very simple report, but it displays all spread out and I would like to change the layout to at least to have the objects closer together.
Any ideas on what setting this is?
Can you select the chart object (for example) and use the 'Size & Overflow' property to fix it's size? You ought to be able to do the same for the crosstab too.
Hello, no it doesn't take effect on the pie chart. The crosstab will get larger, but essentially what I want is for the pie charts to be larger. And it's weird because when I drag or copy the chart right beside the original one, only one chart and crosstab will show up when I run report. They want it to look like another report built off a cube with 2008 data. But it doesn't behave the same as the one built off the view with current 2009 data??? ???
What container is the pie chart sitting in (table cell, block, field set etc)?
Have you checked the Size & Overflow property of this too?
Thanks for your help so far..there is a 1x1 table inside the Conditional Block. You can change the Size and Overflow property, but the pie chart itself doesn't increase in size, only the table cell or block will increase.
What about if you set Size & Overflow on both the table and che chart?
I did try that. Basically it's because of the two different data structures. The cube had a different data structure compared to the current structure. I could redo the report, but I think it would end up with a bunch of queries.