I have installed Cognos 8.4.1 (64 bit) on a Win 2008 server, along with the sample reports from Cognos. The Report Studio and Query Studio are all working fine.
When I installed the Samples, I put all contents under a folder called Samples, e.g:
Public Folders > Samples > Models > GO Data Warehouse (analysis) > Query Studio Report Samples
My report developers start complaining that the folder structure is not the same as outlined on the IBM Cognos 8 BI Getting Started Guide (we are all new, without proper training yet, so I am a blind leading a group of blinds). So I move those reports up all the way under the [Public Folders], which matches the starting guide.
There is a report called [Return Quantity by Product Line Chart] in Query Studio with a drill-through set up inside. On page 23 of the IBM Cognos 8 BI Getting Started Guide, there is a practice to click on the 'Related Links', then click on 'ReportDrill', which suppose to open up another report [Returns by Order Method] based on a dynamic filter I guess.
I am getting the following error instead - seems to me the drill thru path is broken, after I messed with the folder structure, but I don't know how to reset it.
Content Manager did not return an object for the requested search path '/content/folder[@name='Samples']/folder[@name='Models']/package[@name='GO Data Warehouse (analysis)']/folder[@name='Report Studio Report Samples']/report[@name='Returns by Order Method']'.
By searching the IBM web site, there was an article concerning similar issue, by giving the following instructions:
Edit the affected report and re-set the layout reference to the correct report.
* Open the affected report
* Select the layout reference element
* Click on the property 'Component reference'
* Select the report which contains the referenced layout element
I have no idea what 'the layout reference' is, and how to get to the property of 'Component reference'.
Can someone please help?
Thanks in advance.
It sounds like your drill-through definitions are still configured to point to target reports within a Samples folder in Cognos Connection.
From the root of Cognos Connection, go to Launch -> Drill Through Definitions, then select the package folder the source reports belong to. Once in there, select and edit each drill-through definition, and modify the target of each to point to the relevant report in it's current location within Cognos Connection.
Thank you for your help.
You're welcome! ;D Did you manage to fix things?