How to migrate PPX reports to Cognos8. when we migrate cubes to cognos8.4.1 all of our cubes are migrated and we can see them in the congos connection as a packages. but we can't see our PPXreports folder which is the PowerPlay Enterprise Server.
we did our migration using migration assistant tool. Any idea how to get the PPEX reports folder to Cognos connection.
Assuming you selected them to be migrated, they should end up in the Migrated Content folder.
when I have migrated I did not even see the folder to select it. I am not sure why the folder is not showing up while migrateing other cubes??
Did the username you selected for the migration have access to see the source folder?
I have the access to see the folder in PPES. while migrating I could not able to see the folder but I am sure I have all the accesses which my administratior has.
Is the folder also available in Upfront? If so, have you tried importing it from Upfront rather than directly from PPES?
No the folder is not available in the upfront. actually when we save the cube, it will save as a ppx report in imported folder under Program Files\Cognos\cer5\ppserver\PPSRoot.
just now I tried to migrate again imported folder, I can see the imported folder while migrate and checked the check box to migrate but no luck. I did not any imported folder in cognos connection.